Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wired on God

This weekend I went to the Jr.High convention at Calvery Temple in bellville, and it was awesome. I learned what it's like to have a true and personal relationship with God, and I've realized I need him in my life to help me even just through the day. Every year I really look forward to this convention and spending the weekend with a bunch of out of control and crazy for God teens, just rocking out for God. I had so much fun and learned so much. I have decided to make God a real thing in my life and personalize my relationship with him. This year the theme was "Wired",as in stay wired to God. I had so much fun and can't wait for next year.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Well for easter we have a four day weekend and it has been soo boring. Yesterday grandpa and rachel came over and wehad supper but that was pretty much it.This morning we had an easter egg hunt it was pretty cool, except mom hid one of the eggs in the barbeque so I had to go outside in my bare feet in the snow and get an egg, my feet froze it was, I don't want to talk about it anyway. The Martins are coming over ina little bit, Yaah, whatever, anyway my weekend has been well except for a few minor outgoings, has been pretty boring. I don't know about you but I'm thinking a movie and popcorn for tonight.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


Friends are like money, easier made than kept, so when you do make them you gotta keep them in the bank of your heart.

Bye Paulina

Well, Paulina left on Thursay. The whole class gathered in the hall and everyone gave her a hug including a bunch of the guys, although we had to force william to. I'm really gonna miss her. After she left all the girls got all teary eyed it was kinda funny. Jacob wants to keep her desk their for the rest of the year as a memory. I gotta go lunch time..!!!!!